Riders: Vlaskin Andrey

Vlaskin Andrey, №99

City: Russia, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya oblast
Age: 40


Honda VTR250
*displayed 7 days after receipt

Getting A class

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1. 4 stages of GGP top 3 regardless of the class and less than 105%    (0 from 4)
2 stages of GGP top-1 and 2 stages of offline top-1    (GGP: 0 from 2)
2 stages of GGP top-3 and world record in figure    (GGP: 0 from 2, FIGURE: 0 from 1)
2. 3 stages of offline top-3 and less than 105%    (0 from 3)
3. GP8 to class B  
Another basic figure on class B  
4. First place in offline competitions    (0 from 2)
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In order for an athlete to receive an A class, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • At least 4 (out of 5) stages of GGP the result of the athlete must be in the top 3 regardless of the class and less than 105% or At least 2 stages of GGP to win first place or At least 2 stages of GGP the athlete's result must be in the top 3 out of class and less than 105% и New world record on basic figures (for which an improvement in class is provided)
  • At least 3 stages of offline competitions the result of the athlete must be in the top 3 regardless of the class and less than 105% (competition class is not important)
  • At least 2 results on the basic figures appropriate to B class. The first result only on GP8. The second result on any figure for which there is a class increase
  • At least 2 first place in offline competitions (competition class B)
All of the above conditions must be met within one calendar year. The results are taken into account at the time the result is accepted.

Athlete stats:

1. At least 4 (out of 5) stages of GGP the result of the athlete must be in the top 3 regardless of the class and less than 105%    (0 from 4)
At least 2 stages of GGP to win first place    (GGP: 0 from 2)
At least 2 stages of GGP the athlete's result must be in the top 3 out of class and less than 105% и New world record on basic figures (for which an improvement in class is provided)    (GGP: 0 from 2, FIGURE: 0 from 1)
2. At least 3 stages of offline competitions the result of the athlete must be in the top 3 regardless of the class and less than 105% (competition class is not important)    (0 from 3)
3. At least 2 results on the basic figures appropriate to B class. The first result only on GP8. The second result on any figure for which there is a class increase  
4. At least 2 first place in offline competitions (competition class B)    (0 from 2)

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- Gymkhana GP  
- Figures and online stages  
- Offline stages

Basic figures results
only best results are shown
click on Time to see a progress of the figure

22.06.2018 8 GP Kawasaki VN Vulcan 900 00:37.78
Kawasaki VN Vulcan 900
25.07.2023 L GP Honda VTR250 00:20.46
Honda VTR250
18.08.2023 Tuna GP Honda VTR250 00:44.19
Honda VTR250

Participation in stages
not more 30 recent notes are shown ...show all...

Stage Motorcycle Rating Place
Абсолют / В классе
Gymkhana GP 2023: stage 4
Honda VTR250 110.24% 31
2 этап
13.08.2023, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 112.86% 14 / 6
83 / 8
1 этап
12.08.2023, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 115.85% 13 / 7
82 / 7
Тренировочный день
11.08.2023, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 ... ...
Gymkhana GP 2023: stage 2
Honda VTR250 110.76% 28
Чемпионат Свердловской области Ural Open CUP 2023
03.06.2023, Ekaterinburg
Honda VTR250 119.93% 14 / 10
48 / 11
Gymkhana GP 2023: stage 1
Honda VTR250 110.59% 34
Gymkhana GP 2022: stage 5
Honda VTR250 109.99% 28
Кубок Республики Башкортостан. 2 ЭТАП. 2022
10.09.2022, Ufa
Honda VTR250 116.42% 8 / 2
49 / 2
Ural Open CUP
27.08.2022, Ekaterinburg
Honda VTR250 104.68% 4 / 4
54 / 11
Gymkhana GP 2022: stage 4
Honda VTR250 109.48% 24
2 этап (воскресенье)
14.08.2022, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 112.44% 8 / 2
49 / 15
1 этап (суббота)
13.08.2022, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 106.13% 9 / 2
55 / 16
Тренировочный день (пятница)
12.08.2022, Chelyabinsk
Honda VTR250 ... ...
Чемпионат Новосибирска по мотоджимхане
06.08.2022, Novosibirsk
Honda VTR250 112.99% 2 / 2
30 / 8
Gymkhana GP 2022: stage 3
Honda VTR250 109.98% 30
Кубок Республики Башкортостан. 1 ЭТАП. 2022
02.07.2022, Ufa
Honda VTR250 118.21% 13 / 5
58 / 20
Gymkhana GP 2022: stage 2
Honda VTR250 116.62% 70
Кубок Республики Башкортостан. 2 ЭТАП. 2021
04.09.2021, Ufa
Buell R 1125 124% 11 / 7
31 / 9
Кубок Башкортостана '21 (1й этап Чемпионата ПФО 2021)
10.07.2021, Ufa
Buell R 1125 120.43% 15 / 5
66 / 15
1 этап
05.06.2021, Chelyabinsk
Kawasaki Ninja 400R 131.71% 30 / 10
57 / 10
MotogymkhanaKazan 5 лет вместе
05.09.2020, Kazan`
Buell R 1125
Кубок CoVID2020
29.08.2020, Ekaterinburg
Buell R 1125 127.56% 15 / 7
56 / 8
Открытое Первенство Саратовской области по МотоДжимхане
28.06.2020, Saratov
Buell R 1125 ... ...
Открытые соревнования по мотоджимхане, город Тюмень
03.08.2019, Tyumen`
Buell R 1125 137.81% 10 / 8
20 / 10
Открытые соревнования по мотоджимхане, город Екатеринбург
20.07.2019, Ekaterinburg
Buell R 1125 120.45% 3 / 3
37 / 13
Открытые соревнования по мотоджимхане, город Пермь
13.07.2019, Perm`
Buell R 1125 139.62% 8 / 7
29 / 8
2 этап ПФО
06.07.2019, Ufa
Buell R 1125 130.13% 22 / 12
50 / 17
Четвёртый этап
09.09.2018, Ul`yanovsk
Kawasaki VN Vulcan 900 127.12% 17 / 1
51 / 7
Третий этап ПФО
25.08.2018, Samara
Kawasaki VN Vulcan 900 129.66% 17 / 1
49 / 6

Class evolution history

Date Jump Event
8 GP
Чемпионат Сибири по Мотоджимхане 2018, 1 этап
Чемпионат Приволжского федерального округа, Третий этап ПФО
Gymkhana GP 2022, Gymkhana GP 2022: 2 этап
Gymkhana GP 2022, Gymkhana GP 2022: 3 этап
Ural Open CUP, Ural Open CUP
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